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Zentri and Triscoop Meetup!

Hey tri-studs! Emily, Triboomer, and I hope you can catch up with us at Richardson Bike Mart or Chili's in Richardson, TX for a Zentri and Triscoop fan meetup! We'll be at the bike shop for packet pickup around 11:30 AM on Saturday the 15th of July for the Dallas Triathlon and then cap it off with lunch at Chili's Too across the street. The bike shop and Chili's are across the street from each other at the intersection of Coit and Campbell roads. I'll be wearing a white t-shirt with the logo across the chest and hanging out with a chick that looks too hot to really be my wife. We'll be recording interviews, so feel free to ask to be on the air!
Ok, so of course you'll want to hear the podcast. Click here to check out my triathlete point-of-view of the world while chillin' on my back porch, enjoying the Texas sunset. I play audio from Cav, describing how his training is going and how he's approaching Ironman AZ. He gives Moonpie a little razzing as well. Also, there's a voicemail and even more audio from Jetpack's International Adventures. Jetpack seems to be racking up the interviews, pulling in one from Drew in Bend, OR. You should check out all of them at

Most importantly, there's been two very cool bikes born into the family as of late. Emily and I picked out encouraged my nephew's dad to get him a bike for his 5th birthday. It was a huge hit and hopefully he'll keep riding the wheels off of it like he did when he got it. Kai got himself a Specialized Hot Rock, a sweet-looking single-speed with 12 inch wheels! Both bikes came from our local bike shop, something I insisted upon. Buying bikes from Target or Walmart practically ensures that they'll rust to pieces and you get free lifetime maintenance on these quality babies. I told everybody who'd listen that Jaren's Giant and Kai's Specialized are both brands being ridden by pros in the TDF. Gotta start them early!

Reader Comments (3)

Sweet bike dude! I love the white fork with the red bike.

July 11, 2006 | Unregistered CommenterSam

Hi Brett, like the new look. By the way, the guy's name is Zinadine Zidane. The rumour is that as he walked by the Italian player the latter called Zidane 'the son of a terrorist whore' which, as insults go, is pretty well up there if this is true. Anyway, keep up the dood work.

July 11, 2006 | Unregistered CommenterGordon (Tiree)

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January 3, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAmoxicillin kills acne.

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